27 Oct 2012, 3:39pm
Uncategorized: blues flute ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables funky geoff warren Giuseppe Continenza improvised jazz education jazz flute Jazz flute music TUTU Records yamaha
by admin

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Uncategorized: blues flute ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables funky geoff warren Giuseppe Continenza improvised jazz education jazz flute Jazz flute music TUTU Records yamaha
by admin
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12 Oct 2012, 4:26pm
Uncategorized: Borrello Concertissimo ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables funky funky funky jazz geoff warren groove improvised jazz jazz education jazz flute jazz flute summer school jazz flutemusic marcello sebastiani raffaele pallozzi TUTU Records walter caratelli yamaha
by admin

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Uncategorized: Borrello Concertissimo ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables funky funky funky jazz geoff warren groove improvised jazz jazz education jazz flute jazz flute summer school jazz flutemusic marcello sebastiani raffaele pallozzi TUTU Records walter caratelli yamaha
by admin
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Geoff Warren Quartet – Live
Here’s the quartet live last Summer.
Excerpts taken from:
More Soul Marcel
Up and Around
In a Sentimental Mood
Oh, Roland
The band:
Geoff Warren . Flute
Raffaele Pallozzi – Piano
Marcello Sebastiani – Bass
Walter Caratelli . Drums
7 Oct 2012, 11:17pm
Uncategorized: All Flutes Plus blues flute Borrello ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables free sheet music downloads funky funky funky jazz funky jazz geoff warren Graham Collier indo jazz jazz jazz education jazz flute jazz flute summer school jazz flutemusic London Jazz Festival TUTU Records yamaha
by admin

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Uncategorized: All Flutes Plus blues flute Borrello ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables free sheet music downloads funky funky funky jazz funky jazz geoff warren Graham Collier indo jazz jazz jazz education jazz flute jazz flute summer school jazz flutemusic London Jazz Festival TUTU Records yamaha
by admin
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