30 Oct 2013, 3:57pm
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Uncategorized: afro jazz blues flute ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables flutewise Forton Music free sheet music downloads funky funky funky jazz geoff warren groove improvised jazz jazz education jazz flute Jazz flute music jazz flute summer school jazz flutemusic TUTU Records yamaha
by admin
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20 Oct 2013, 2:06pm
Uncategorized: blues flute Borrello flauto jazz flute fables Forton Music free sheet music downloads funky funky funky jazz geoff warren groove improvised jazz education jazz flute Jazz flute music jazz flute summer school Marco Di Marzio raffaele pallozzi TUTU Records walter caratelli yamaha
by admin
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Uncategorized: blues flute Borrello flauto jazz flute fables Forton Music free sheet music downloads funky funky funky jazz geoff warren groove improvised jazz education jazz flute Jazz flute music jazz flute summer school Marco Di Marzio raffaele pallozzi TUTU Records walter caratelli yamaha
by admin
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Pescara Conservatoire, October 2013.
Many thanks to Raffaele Pallozzi (piano), Marco Di Marzio (bass) and Walter Caratelli (drums) for this great gig in Pescara.