Masterclass – Accademia Malibran, 15-19 October 2013.

15 – 19 Ottobre 2013 – Master Class in Flauto Jazz
346 5220328
338 8219079

Secretary art – teaching – English language and interpreter:
Dott.ssa Alice Pettinari

Jazz Flute Clinic in Piacenza

Thanks to Yamaha, Naima Music Store and Piacenza Jazz Club-

Free Jazz Flute Summer School, 1-4 August.

Borrello is a picturesque hill town in Italy’s Abruzzo region.
This course, financed by Borrello Town Council is free to all participants. The four days include workshops, masterclass and a concert to be performed by all the participants in the nearby wwf nature reserve.
A certificate of attendance will be given to all participants.
Tuition in English and Italian.

Clinic: “ Il flauto traverso nel jazz e nella musica moderna”

Domenica 09 giugno 2013
Presso “Tenuta S. Leone” Salionze – Valeggio s/Mincio
Per informazioni: tel. 045/8230475
È gradita la prenotazione.