One satisfied customer

A participant’s e-mail to the organiser after my Jazz Flute Day with Flutes Inspired in Oxforshire.

Dear Elisabeth,

What an unbelievable day! Geoff had a seemingly impossible task, to get a room full of fluters (of various ability levels) to get onboard with jazz and start to break out of their comfort zone in a most dramatic way. Well, he achieved that and so much more.
Geoff gradually revealed his extraordinary knowledge, both in jazz and classical. He quickly showed a very gentle touch with regard to teaching, -something that is rather reassuring to a nervous group of soon-to-be jazzers. His technique was dazzling, his seemingly endless array of solutions for filling an empty bar or phrase jaw dropping. He’s not just a flute player, but a top-notch musician who happens to play the flute.
What really made it for me was the repertoire, which was ultra-cool jazz with gorgeous backing tracks. To stand up there alongside Geoff and start to dabble with (at long last) some actual knowledge rather than guesswork was one of the best moments of my life! Making it even better, there was that ultra-cool backing to play against with the massed flutes joining for ensemble sections, all with juicy harmonies, toe-tapping jazzy rhythms, lilting 5/4’s, etc. Brilliant How can life get better than those precious moments duetting with the genius? Well, if I could capture those magical minutes in a bottle for daily boosting, I’d be able to remind myself that it wasn’t just a dream, a most extraordinary dream.
Thanks for organising this event whose value was far beyond anything that you could charge. Really, we all paid far too little for what was received. On top of that, we had an hour of Geoff with the ensemble making the most intense and riveting music. We would have driven the 100 miles just to hear that.

Thanks and best wishes,

M.M.O. from The Quartet Album

I’m currently working on a set of playalong tracks using the original recordings, including alternate takes, of my recent CD The Quartet Album.
Material should be ready in time for the coming academic year at MAT Verona, and my Autumn workshops in England and Hungary.