Thanks to all who came to my Jazz Flute day

All Flutes Plus, London, 6th October, 2012.

Convegno “Il Flauto”

Dal 22/10/2012 al 27/10/2012 – dal 22 al 27 ottobre 2012
Presso Conservatorio Luisa D’Annunzio

Master, Concerti, incontri, convegni esposizioni di nuovi strumenti, con:
N.Mazzanti, A.Persichilli, M.Marasco, G. Nese, G. Warren

Srebrenica 2012

On stage with percussionist Pino Petraccia at Srebrenica Youth Centre, Bosnia, September 2012.

Geoff Warren Quartet.

Despite the wind we had a great time playing in Borrello during the International Jazz Flute Course.

Modes ‘n’ Malts

The premiere of the Modes ‘n’ Malts Project from the Warren-Gaeta Quartet will be at the Parco de Riseis, Pescara, Tuesday July 31st.
Geoff Warren: Flute
Walter Gaeta: Piano
Pierpaolo Catena: Bass
Matteo Manzoni: Drums

Yamaha come to Borrello

At my Jazz Flute Summer School in Borrello, Italy this year, (26-29 July) Yamaha will be presenting their wind instruments and offering an aperitif.