EMMAS 2012

Olbia, Sardinia at the Ethnic Meeting of Music and Arts with Laya Sangam: Arup Kanti Das on tablas and Ashanka Sen on sitar.

Geoff Warren Quartet – Live

Here’s the quartet live last Summer.
Excerpts taken from:
More Soul Marcel
Up and Around
In a Sentimental Mood
Oh, Roland

The band:
Geoff Warren . Flute
Raffaele Pallozzi – Piano
Marcello Sebastiani – Bass
Walter Caratelli . Drums

Convegno “Il Flauto”

Dal 22/10/2012 al 27/10/2012 – dal 22 al 27 ottobre 2012
Presso Conservatorio Luisa D’Annunzio

Master, Concerti, incontri, convegni esposizioni di nuovi strumenti, con:
N.Mazzanti, A.Persichilli, M.Marasco, G. Nese, G. Warren

Srebrenica 2012

On stage with percussionist Pino Petraccia at Srebrenica Youth Centre, Bosnia, September 2012.

Modes ‘n’ Malts

The premiere of the Modes ‘n’ Malts Project from the Warren-Gaeta Quartet will be at the Parco de Riseis, Pescara, Tuesday July 31st.
Geoff Warren: Flute
Walter Gaeta: Piano
Pierpaolo Catena: Bass
Matteo Manzoni: Drums

Yamaha come to Borrello

At my Jazz Flute Summer School in Borrello, Italy this year, (26-29 July) Yamaha will be presenting their wind instruments and offering an aperitif.

Free Jazz Flute Workshop.

Still a few places left for my Jazz Flute Day at All Flutes Plus, London, on Saturday October 6th. Very mixed level, no stress, loads of fun.

Lydian Lowlands

From the “Modes ‘n’ Malts Project.
Geoff Warren – flute, Walter Gaeta – piano, Nicola Di Camillo – bass, Matteo Manzoni – drums.
(c) Geoff Warren 2012