Geoff Warren Quartet – Live

Here’s the quartet live last Summer.
Excerpts taken from:
More Soul Marcel
Up and Around
In a Sentimental Mood
Oh, Roland

The band:
Geoff Warren . Flute
Raffaele Pallozzi – Piano
Marcello Sebastiani – Bass
Walter Caratelli . Drums

Thanks to all who came to my Jazz Flute day

All Flutes Plus, London, 6th October, 2012.

Convegno “Il Flauto”

Dal 22/10/2012 al 27/10/2012 – dal 22 al 27 ottobre 2012
Presso Conservatorio Luisa D’Annunzio

Master, Concerti, incontri, convegni esposizioni di nuovi strumenti, con:
N.Mazzanti, A.Persichilli, M.Marasco, G. Nese, G. Warren

Srebrenica 2012

On stage with percussionist Pino Petraccia at Srebrenica Youth Centre, Bosnia, September 2012.

Bosnia 2012

From 1 to 8 September I’ll be in Bosnia, travelling with the Adopt Srebrenica Association and the Alexander Langer foundation. We’ll be attending meetings in youth centres with people working on reconciliation. I’ll also be performing with afro percussion expert Pino Petraccia.
Here we are on Italian TV doing “MOMO”

Geoff Warren Quartet.

Despite the wind we had a great time playing in Borrello during the International Jazz Flute Course.

Free Jazz Flute Workshop.

Still a few places left for my Jazz Flute Day at All Flutes Plus, London, on Saturday October 6th. Very mixed level, no stress, loads of fun.