On stage (with flowers) at the concert given by the kids at the Michetti/Pascoli School in Pescara.

I wrote a piece for their orchestra and they have adopted it as their school anthem. I must try and get it recorded.

New Quartet Recordings

I’m currently involved in post production of some new recordings with my quartet.
Here are the boys in the M.A.T. studio, Verona.

Raffaele Pallozzi, GW, Marco Di Marzio, Walter Caratelli.

British Flute Society Convention 2014

I am proud to be presenting a jazz flute workshop at the next British Flute Society National Convention in August 2014.


This was my first and only appearance in a major film. I’m the flautist in the band (miming of course).

Two recent recordings from Scotland

Geoff Warren – Flute/Alto Flute, Richard Michael – Piano

Recorded Glasgow, November 2013.

November 2013

Just back from Scotland where, among other things, I recorded for BBC Radio with the great Richard Michael.